..]#> grep --color -r "COUNT" modules/ OR ..]#> egrep --color -rn " GROUP BY" modules/
..#]> service network restart
click here for the slide
This is a test image. The line below should display the image. Hope this works.
..]#> cd \etc -go to "/etc" directory. ..]#> visudo OR ..]#> vim sudoers -edit sudoer file. - add "nico ALL=(ALL)...
I've just solve a problem i have on my login page, where if a certain user is not yet registered,...
A CakePHP application has 3 important directories. "/cake", "/app" and "/vendor". To avoid having problems in deploying, do not rename...
To upload image just browse for the image using the buttons below and click on 'Upload File' then wait for...
At the terminal execute the commands as seen below: vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf - edit php/apache settings /etc/init.d/httpd restart - restart apache.
To remove a column in Joomla. For example the 'right' column, just disable all modules assigned to the 'right' column...
tar -czvf app.tar.gz app/ -compress to a tarball. tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz -untar and ungzip a file to current directory.
Be sure to have the following ready: . Wep/tkip network id. password. add your device's nic address to the router...
To restart Apache server on Mac.. On the terminal/console, type: sudo apachectl graceful
1. Create the Icon considering the following requirements: - Image must be 57x57 pixels in size. - File name must...
httpd -v
if you're getting this error "ERROR 2002: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)", chances are you...
Find modified files starting 5 days ago. find / -mtime -5 -print To find files on a specific time frame....
Update the whole project first to sync changes committed in the repository. svn update (one thing to note about update...
$findResult= $this->MODEL->find('first', array('fields'=>'id', 'order'=>'MODEL.id DESC')); $lastID = $findRes['MODEL']['id']; $nextID = $lastID + 1;
Ever wonder changing something on the database, like adding a new table field and then manipulating it on the controller,...
1. SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '[tablename]'; 2. ALTER TABLE [tablename] auto_increment=[value];
Problem:If you get into trouble with your webserver saying: [PHP Fatal error: date()/strftime() [function.strftime]: Timezone database is corrupt - this...
If you haven't disabled SELinux, by default it restricts httpd/Apache to connect to a remote database. Which explains why we...
svn switch --relocate [old URL] [new URL] ex.: svn switch --relocate http://9289.com.au/repos/www.store.9289.com.au/trunk http://ideam.com.au/repos/9289store/trunk See svnbook for more details on this.
At the source database server, execute this terminal command: mysqldump -u root -p [FromDatabaseName] [tableName] > [filePath.sql] Then copy the...
Queries below shows how to import data from a CSV file to a new table.... CREATE TABLE auspost(Pcode INT(10), Locality...
svn status | grep "^?" | awk -F " " '{print $2}' | tr "\n" "\0" | xargs -0 svn...
You might need to use the command similar to one below if you are on redhat distibution like CentOS or...
Execute the following commands on the terminal... adduser [uname] ... then change the user password passwd [uname] Changing password for...
First of all, ensure network connectivity... - Because I need to map my linux drive to windows, I need to...
Syntax: mount --bind [mountPath] [PathToMount] e.g.: mount --bind /var/www/reprod/yourdr/dev.mydr.com.au/webroot/img/emailcamp/ /home/emailcamp/emailcamp_bind
Ever wonder how to remove svn folders in your project? Since SVN stores ".svn" folders on each folder in your...
- Move the obstucted file to a temporary location and delete all ".svn" files and directories on it. - run...
du --max-depth=1 -h
Relabel directory to conform to SELinux policy. $ chcon -R --type=httpd_sys_content_t dev_cakeyourdr/ References: Wiki Centos Centos-SELinux
SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE "[table_name]" ALTER TABLE [table_name] AUTO_INCREMENT = 100; References: SHOW TABLE STATUS Syntax 3.6.9. Using AUTO_INCREMENT
cat /proc/cpuinfo cat /proc/meminfo lspci
To repl [old_string] with [new_string]... :%s/[old_string]/[new_string]/gc 'g' option is for global, 'c' option is for vi/vim to ask for confirmation...
First, create a public/private key pair on the client that you will use to connect to the server (you will...
Add a .htaccess file to the root directory of phpMyAdmin and paste the lines below: Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine On RewriteCond...
/usr/bin/system-config-securitylevel Or /usr/bin/system-config-securitylevel-tui
find . -ctime +3 -a -ctime -7 -exec rm {} \;
Add user... mysql> create user leo@localhost identified by 'i@mNumber4'; Assign privileges... mysql> grant all privileges on mo_dev.* to leo@localhost with...
$ svn commit --username [your_uname] -m "[commit_notes.]" [changed_file]
sample csv file: mo-ipad-itunes-prodID.csv ... .. . com.mogeneration.ubmmedica.private.medicalobserver_,2014_01_31 com.mogeneration.ubmmedica.private.medicalobserver_,2014_02_07 com.mogeneration.ubmmedica.private.medicalobserver_,2014_02_14 com.mogeneration.ubmmedica.private.medicalobserver_,2014_02_21 com.mogeneration.ubmmedica.private.medicalobserver_,2014_02_28 .... .. ... .. actual query: LOAD DATA...
If you haven't installed mod_ssl and openssl yet, install it. $ yum install mod_ssl openssl Generate both the certificate and...
Install WkHtmlToPdf from pre-compiled binary $ tar -xvf wkhtmltox-0.12.1-c22928d_linux-centos5-amd64.tar.xz $ mv wkhtmltox-0.12.1-c22928d wkhtmltox $ sudo mv wkhtmltox /etc/ $ sudo...
$ rpm -ivh [package] i - install. v - verbose. h - prints progress hash.
$ resize2fs /dev/xvde
Query below is fine if you wanted to get all records with the given string. SELECT * FROM `member` WHERE...
$ useradd newuser $ ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f key -C newuser $ su - newuser $ mkdir .ssh...